High-Baudrate SiP and InP Modulators for Data Center Interconnects
Abstract: The booming internet traffic sets highly challenging requirements for high-speed computing where low latency is required. This leads to a choice of intensity modulation and direct detection system with the highest baudrate possible. Furthermore, record baudrate supporting modulators will be the key technology for future optical interconnect applications. In this talk we are going to report on recent advances on high-baudrate modulators in silicon photonics (SiP) and indium phosphide (InP) technologies. We are going to report on SiP ring resonator and Mach-Zehnder modulators and on InP based externally modulated and directly modulated lasers.
Oskars Ozoliņš (M’09) received the M.Sc. degree in telecommunications from Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia, in 2009 and the Dr. Sc.Ing. (Ph.D.) degree in optical communications from Riga Technical University, in 2013 O. Ozoliņš is an Academician (foreign member) at the Latvian Academy of Science. He is also the Latvian Council of Science Expert in Committees: Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics. His research interests are in the areas of digital and photonic-assisted signal processing techniques, high-speed short-reach communications and devices, optical and photonic-wireless interconnects, and machine learning for optical network monitoring. In his professional career, O. Ozoliņš has been a guest researcher at III-V Lab (Nokia Bell Labs and Thales, France), Keysight Technologies (Böblingen Germany), DTU Fotonik (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), IDLab (Ghent University – imec, Belgium), OFO (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), and FOTON laboratory (University of Rennes 1, France). In total 265 days for external stays. O. Ozoliņš is coholder of a world record reported at OFC2023 conference post-deadline session: on optical amplification free highest baud rate for OOK, PAM4 and PAM6 transmitted with single integrated externally and directly modulated laser. He is the author of around 230 international journal publications, conference contributions, invited talks/tutorials/keynote/lecture, patents, and book chapters. He has more than 13 years of experience in supervising students. He has supervised 36 bachelor students, 23 master students, 5 Ph.D. students, and 3 postdocs. O. Ozoliņš was a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the ECOC2022, Basel Switzerland. He also was a TPC member of OFC2023, San Diego California, USA.